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greetings folks this is ranjit and in this video we should discuss cell phones and have we arrived at the top what do you say zenith of cell phones and what would be an ideal next step and folks on the off chance that you saw the cell phones in the last couple of uh age recent months a year on the off chance that you notice we are not seeing a colossal enhancements yes we are getting slight refinements and stuff yet I feel in each innovation there's a bend this way and now in the customary cell phone surface I suspect as much we are arriving at that plat as well so we are not getting some enormous developments and stuff yes we are seeing this speed up somewhat slight enhancements in camera numerous cameras yet genuine advancement isn't going on and this really happened even in the pc business in the event that you review uh about a decade ago around 2005 2007 uh we began to see generally excellent PC crew center and so forth yet out of nowhere the pinnacle was reached and individuals moving up to new PCs didn't locate a gigantic distinction and I suspect as much the cell phone upheaval really began uh during that uh time span for instance uh the I first iphone i5 review was propelled in 2007 and afterward we began seeing and afterward android came into space uh then we began seeing uh genuine cell phones that resembled smaller than expected PCs and for some individuals uh particularly in india I suspect as much their first registering was really done on a cell phone as opposed to a pc and gradually the cell phone turned into a fundamental piece of it and we see saw tremendous upgrades uh each age from suppose 2012 to 1314 the processor speeds used to increment a lot the camera sensors improved a lot yet now of late as i've revealed to you we are arriving at that bend and of late on the off chance that you have even a leader android cell phone recent years and on the off chance that you take a gander at the most recent leader android telephones in true use you won't locate that a very remarkable contrast in light of the fact that the pace of advancement the cell phone the ordinary cell phone has gotten so great to improve it you need to accomplish something drastically extraordinary and that isn't occurring yes we are playing around a tad with camera uh the sound system speakers are turning into a smidgen uh improved yet I won't consider it an intense improvement each age and that is what i'm seeing I made a few notes so we should uh go over yonder and I feel uh in india explicitly uh the genuine cell phone development began uh most recent few years on account of jio the versatile information turned out to be so moderate and due to the cell phones individuals got associated with web and that saw an immense bum however now I suspect as much a great many people who need to be associated are really associated and nowadays we get some awesome cell phones even in the mid-extend and the value purpose of around 10 000. let me talk around one thing since I hear this a considerable amount in the remarks segment uh at whatever point another telephone is propelled i'm covering it or whatever a few people uh talk about it alright I bought the cell phone that was simply propelled around a half year should I move up to this so there is a fomo that is dread of passing up a great opportunity and nowadays cell phone makers are propelling such huge numbers of gadgets so rapidly that clients feel that they are getting passed up a major opportunity yet that is not that is a straightforward fantasy to give you a thought uh these are the absolute most impressive cell phones is the asus rog telephone 3 this is the samsung note 20 ultra and yes these have generally excellent processor in truth the probably the quickest processor that you can jump on android that is the snapdragon 865 or more on this rog telephone three however uh on the off chance that I contrast the day by day use execution with even about a snapdragon 855 in day by day utilization I don't see that a very remarkable distinction yes in benchmarks uh clearly this will show signs of improvement benchmark scores yet is that meaning certifiable exhibition contrast that you will do each day and the appropriate response is no for around 95 of the clients uh to give you a similarity uh how about we talk about speed and cards this is exceptionally simple to do uh for instance suppose your cell phone was old one consider it a that most extreme speed that it can go is around 50 kilometer and next following a year you get another cell phone that can go up to a speed of 80 kilometers you'll see an immense distinction since that 50 was confining you yet now the stages resemble that for top of the line cell phones you could state the speed of a snapdragon 855 i'm simply giving you an exceptionally ambiguous model is about suppose 170 kilometers it can go to the greatest speed and this new snapdragon 865 can go up to 180 yet indeed in genuine use you basically can't go that quick so this steady speed increment that we are seeing currently has become kind of a disposition thing it's only for gloating rights yes you have the most recent processor I don't yet in true use I would state you won't locate a major distinction in actuality I would state even the mid-go processors for instance the snapdragon 7x arrangement suppose 712 720 and so on are so acceptable as far as speed on the off chance that I need to give again suppose they can go up to 125 or something to that effect speed yet practically you won't contact those paces so the previous of updating each year for a quicker processor is simply debatable right now since genuine in true use you won't notice that percival distinction on the off chance that you overhauled that rapidly and I would state no point redesigning it that rapidly and second thing is numerous individuals get impacted by cameras on the grounds that nowadays we see numerous telephones having that four cameras or whatever and individuals think it is better yet this has been refuted over and over by pixel they for the most part put only one essential camera at the back and that beats a large number of the cell phones significantly more expensive cell phones so it's not just about number of cameras in certainty numerous merchants a few sellers are likewise faking the cameras they simply put four yet they'd scarcely use it so again don't fall into traps like this present dislike in the event that you have a 64 megapixel or something would be route better than what you are having right now in reality I have seen a ton of cell phones that are having a lower 48 megapixel perform superior to 64. so it relies upon the maker how well he advances it and a producer on the off chance that he is propelling less items will invest more energy to improve an item yet another producer if state he's starting another telephone each consistently or 45 days truly put that much exertion in enhancing that cell phone so that is something you need to note and I honestly feel an excessive number of cell phones are getting propelled and on the off chance that you have an adequate cell phone that you purchased as of late simply don't get into that fomo in light of the fact that simply that new cell phone is coming out with the new most recent processor for instance the most recent s8 snapdragon 865 or more on the off chance that you as of now have 855 I will disclose to you that in certifiable utilization you won't locate an enormous distinction that you should redesign overhaul when you truly need it since this is a conventional that is going on a ton in the business and we have arrived at that phase of apex in such a case that you update even to the most recent processor the individual contrast the real contrast that you notice each day working is basically not there and furthermore simply go don't go with the promotion of four cameras five cameras at the back simply take a gander at the picture quality genuine picture quality that you would get on the grounds that we as indians what I have seen is that get dazzled with numbers large numbers four cameras gracious 64 megapixel 48 megapixel 108 megapixel and we simply feel free to get it and these organizations realize that and that is the way they are showcased so be somewhat cautious since we have arrived at such a phase, that even mid-run cell phones that we are getting around suppose 12 000 14 000 uh are quite great so exactly when you are overhauling or purchasing to simply passing on to purchase that new cell phone consider it do you truly require that and I feel we have arrived at that phase of what you state stagnation in the current cell phone structure factor and I suspect as much things need to change and I feel it will change however we are in a circumstance right now yes foldables offer a ton of chances and new structure factors yet indeed these foldables are too costly starting at now the samsung overlay cost what 2,000 dollars the enhanced one is likewise being reputed to be about that so uh these are pricey so this will set aside a ton of effort to come into the standard they need to go under thousand dollars microsoft additionally is presently taking a stab at something we don't have the foggiest idea what will work will this structure factor work or some other sort of moderate will work so's the reason we are going to see a ton of new structure factors pretty much yesterday microsoft additionally reported the microsoft surface do another interpretation of it uh so I suspect as much this will be a progress stage for the following couple of years lastly in the end we will see foldables that will be the new wave in what manner will it be the point at which it will be is a central issue since right now these foldables are simply excessively costly and they truly need to descend in the value highlight be alluring to ordinary clients yet that will take a ton of time uh so again in the event that you as of now have a decent cell phone simply don't have that fomo condition that you have to move up to a most recent and the best and nowadays folks what's going on in the most recent and the best uh they are simply messing with the hues cleaning stuff it resembles become the style business now rather than genuine mechanical developments that you will see it's happened to like what do you say how cool it looks in what way we are into that yet I trust things changed with the foldables and I don't have a clue what else we were having a ton of expectation with savvy observes yet that class essentially didn't detonate uh in light of the fact that still great shrewd watches are extravagant so I trust uh this progressions and we move to another structure factor yet I feel uh that will take two or a long time from now ideally it occurs in the following two three years and we get new so as to frame factors not exactly what microsoft is attempting samsung is attempting we don't have the foggiest idea what else we could be doing with foldables yet I feel.

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