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what guys umhd here so i don't know if you remember but the winningest prize phone for my smartphone last year was the asus rog 2 king known so this thing won the biggest phone of the year which had the best Battery Life of the year and got the most advanced prize so how do they follow this with asus rog phone 3. so i have been using and testing this phone next to oneplus nord for a few weeks now and basically you need to know that it follows very closely in many footsteps like rog phone 2 .

design similar processes and options but just wrapped up the 2020 notch and actually there are two amazing things about this phone that keep sticking and that's the battery and accessories so this design as you can just see that kind of funny when I first saw this type was like no wait they put it down and remember the first phone these .

fog was not for the second powerful phone had been softened down on that so I saw this one thi rd and got a little scared they might start to neutralize all the look of the games to make it more than a daily phone but once you select it you get instant that oh just play this is 100 unique unique 'Commitment to this phone still has the rgb logo on the back .

which can illuminate notifications still with lines and diminished heatsink drawing feature and carbon side cooling system usb-c portset down so you can charge the wall gambler and the cable doesn't go in the right way and in fact above all it's still too big that this is too big for this, i actually think that is the biggest phone I would want to carry every day and not to mention that I think this phone finally found it and fed me somewhere between the big .

samsung and oneplus flags we came up with this  I think it was the best place that made it so big but you all know what won the phone The biggest of the year for a reason and a lot of that is how they make good use of all this space to keep the stereo speakers on this phone and it's really amazing the stereo image they produce and the volume they get thanks to the whole place being second only to the best speakers I've ever heard on the phone. that it's amazing as long as it doesn't start ringing loudly until ,

it's about 80 volumes but that's not a big deal they can really fix that thing right away with a software update now and then the best for the big phone 2 was that it did it all in one packet phone and this is still a great start and we will get that in a moment but it has a few disadvantages this year first in everything you do you don't have a headphone jack built into the 3 phone. and no wireless charging maybe because they actually wanted to keep that rgb logo on the back now the headphone jack is a little confused because it's a play phone and you'll still think that someone.

 looking for zero lag would accept nothing less than wireless but also get into the box with this little add-on that gives you -usbc with a headphone jack so i think it is a form of operation but i miss the wireless charging on the phone i use every day because at the moment most of the phones i work with and test have wireless charging i have wireless charging devices everywhere so I miss that everything is fine look at this spec sheet just look at it it means there is one thing on this list that doesn't mean that the bleeding on the edge is higher than the snapdragon 865 plus which starts showing calls now in the

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