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 Winning is an internal game whether it is a sports business experiment or working with your emotions and emotions has a huge impact on how you will make all the winners see you inside or whatever they want to see without getting the thrill in The winner's psychology that the winners and winners treat their emotions differently In fact, 

understanding the feelings of a person is the key to winning. To be a winner you must manage and go through five important winning feelings. Not managing these feelings can impair your performance and ease your life. you are disappointed with it if you do not meet your expectations it kills your dreams it turns a good situation into a bad r frustration becomes a reality here in the construction of many losers it shows hypocrisy and it hurts people completely but frustration has a purpose to work and the winners use frustration to help us respect that those great worries of darkness those 

negative emotions divine to challenge you to make you a better person to make you more loving to make you pay attention to make you respectful and get the zest in life and if you don't believe in the divine hand or the cosmos or whatever you look at you say you know what maybe this thing I can use to appreciate life better very much even if you can't happen if you never separate that thing you will never fix it at least .

Ace and what wins they can break their frustration by turning their worries into you enjoy something - vote for them to focus on something they feel they really need and now you can use it to persevere for the benefit you know in life. for all of us people are addicted to frustration but II i feel you should be encouraged to be frustrated you know that people don't change they only change when they have to and they have to deal with it like the pressure to get information when people say it's time when they think they are ready to change you know sometimes what happens when people are frustrated and very depressed they are exhausted but instead on the other side of frustration it is actually goals and dreams .

desires you are frustrated because you are missing something frustrated because there is a gap and there is always a gap you know there is a gap between waiting you should not be and frustration is always a common reminder to maybe you should be but you should wish be it a goal what your main idea of ​​life should be is an effective way to deal with frustration you just laugh when you sell anxiety there when you look back at the time you don't feel like laughing at yourself about something that bothered you sometimes I mean you remember the times when you felt frustrated and later when you remember that experience it was like laughing at yourself to catch it This doesn't have to be in the future to look back laugh at something disturbing happening right now you can laugh at yourself at this moment which is getting bigger than your problems there.

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