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Healths Tips

The quality of the relationships you share with people close to you will determine the quality of your professional life and social life. Our relationships teach us a lot about who we are and that we do not see relationships that challenge us to grow in ways that we may not grow on our own. it will not come from you but will destroy you [Music]

 our emotional life is governed by the nature of our relationship [Applause] it is more important to be the right person than to find the right person to agree with before trying to adapt to anyone else so you must first heal and strengthen your relationship with you. Go ahead and build strong relationships with others and your community you will never find a good relationship 

outside of you unless you are perfect. your inner being there are a few things you need to feel that you probably do not want to love are important such as eating healthy or healthy for yourself or who you are any bad things you may have done in the past that no longer work you have something amazing to offer a world that can only be achieved once you how do we feel about ourselves it affects our performance when you feel or think i am stupid i am not good i am obese body and your mind responds to that with attention and unconsciousness of distraction and 

affecting body functions and thought processes even body defenses and preventing the full growth flow a good repetition that I improve every day and put in the effort to be bad again nom a i feel bad that i see beauty in my personality and that if so very cheesy for you you can just choose a quality or two or ten that you like about you i like this for me and focus on those things.

 and you will be surprised your physical appearance will actually improve if you keep focusing on your interests how relationships will work in your life first of all having a good relationship with you first you have to learn to love yourself because when you enter into a relationship to find love instead of giving that love there will be two people hungry to eat each other remember you can't give what you don't have.

 ask yourself this question what you should love so when people say they love you yes you know what a life of first love you have to respect because you are alive love yourself because you have been given life you have been given this gift of life in there must be a reason or purpose or purpose of behi is that at least that is what i believe i believe in god i believe in the fact that the challenges of all of us here sound strange which may not be your belief and that is totally .

cool but what i really do i hope you have respect for your life that you are alive is where self-love begins without loving others without first in that place everything can change you in the best ways to improve the quality of life we ​​need to improve the quality of our relationships and the most important health relationships we have our relationships with you should make yourself perfect instead of looking for someone to save you. and i know there are a lot of movies and a lot of love songs and a lot of cartoons to tell you otherwise but the fact is that if you are not happy it doesn't matter how surprised you .

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