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There is no real success without emotional success. But there are more than three thousand words we have words to describe. The average person experience is only about a dozen different ones during the middle week. We must remember that this is not a reflection of our emotional strength;

 but rather the limit of our current focus pattern. There are 3,000 words in English thesaurus that describe various emotions. Of those, 1051 described positive emotions, while 2086 almost double described negative emotions. But what this means is that we have made too many words to describe the unpleasant feelings. And we tend to focus more on the negative aspects of life than on the bright side. Life is an emotional.

 experience. The quality of emotions you experience every day ultimately determines the quality of your life. And above all, your happiness depends on it. One important problem for many people is that they cannot understand what they are feeling or find it difficult to express themselves. This is a place where you need to be emotionally and emotionally aware of your feelings. Emotional awareness is your ability to see how you feel, why you feel and how your feelings affect not only you but all those around you. So when we learn to be spiritually wise, 

we begin to know ourselves - Know yourself, and understand what keeps you attached. What limits you, and what holds you back, what irritates you, saddens you, and hurts you, what causes you to take things for granted. So as you develop your emotional intelligence, that will allow you to make it less and more interactive. If you control your emotions, you can become spiritually wise. When emotions run high, you act thoughtlessly and become spiritually enslaved.

The only way to make good use of your emotions is to understand how they all use it. You have to learn from your emotions and use it to create the results you want. Emotions are signs of action. Often their meanings are hidden. And it is not uncommon for us to ignore these hidden messages. There is so much to learn from emotions, even unpleasant emotions. Every emotion calls for action. Once you know the hidden messages in emotions and are a signal of action, your negative emotions can become your friend. Learning to use these symbols frees,

 us from fear and allows you to see all our wealth as human beings. There are hidden messages in every emotion. We know the messages behind our good feelings, but we don't know much about the messages behind our bad feelings. When we do not understand our feelings, it becomes an unpleasant experience for us. Every negative emotion contains within it good messages or instructions that can help us grow into better people. We get emotions for a number of reasons. We meet them because emotions are the language of the subconscious. 

We can gain the mastery over our negative, unpleasant feelings when we learn how they acted rather than enslave us. Let’s look at the HURT of emotions for example. As we continue our journey through life none of us escape being injured. These painful feelings arise when we feel lost. It could be the loss of trust or expectations that we or our loved ones may experience. 

You may feel hurt when you are betrayed or ignored by the people you care about. It hurts when they do not understand your needs. We therefore feel frustrated and convey the feeling of hurt by various emotions such as pain or anger. What is the hidden message in HURT. Benjamin Franklin said "those things hurt the teaching". Injured message says expectations were not met. Many times this feeling arises when we expect someone to keep his word but he can keep it. In this case you feel you have lost an int

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