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Happy Family

One of the biggest worries that has grown rapidly around the world in recent times is physical health everyone has been awakened by the reality of life now your body is a body that represents the moment you enter the room people can say a lot about your habits and what you think about yourself by looking at your body one can look at your body and tell yourself whether you are abusing your body or taking care of yourself here a trivial truth without enjoying great .

physical health and about the human condition that people only want to pay attention to health after realizing that they have symptoms of a debilitating disease such as diabetes or when they have a heart attack their first body is considered the holiest temple on Earth even though we know we are not good at this temple let's think about how we really start to take care of it how often we take care of fitness and we think we take care of the body [Music] these days most people talk about fitness and think they are actually talking about health. This is a condition in which all the immune systems of the lymphatic circulatory system, hormonal etc.

 work properly. If you look at a dictionary, you can turn it into a dictionary. He says that right there in the medical dictionary, the definition of health is not just a lack of symptoms. The function of all the cells in all the organs and all the nerves in the body works,

 well is actually the work of your emotional and spiritual chemicals Healthy health sleep is due to the energy flow we experience every day when there are barriers to energy flow we start to lose freedom in our body and the lower strike of disease is this quality of life energy is built on cellular level energy from cell cells are building blocks of all living and death .

organisms depleted of cellular cells are the building blocks of our physical body all the parts of our body are made of different cells and cells that need oxygen and nutrients to produce energy cells must have oxygen or anything that reduces the oxygen level in the body cells disease produces blood to bring nutrients and air- The health in our blood cells acts as a support for the health of the cell all healthy cells can absorb oxygen and nutrients and have the ability to eliminate waste to stay This means that everything we put into our bodies must be absorbed or removed from the body. A healthy cell produces energy in a healthy environment, 

that is, the healthy fluid in the blood, so the environment has a direct effect on the cell. The healthy environment keeps balance and when the lost disease dies. Getting rid of rats to attract spots that kill rats and spots will not solve the problem in the long run as long as it is a dirty place. all of the judges show you to feed the garbage and eat your garden I understand nature is the key to whether something can grow or not.

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