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 [Music] what's up mkbhd here and this is the freshest red camera this little person directly here it's known as the red komodo this is something I was anticipating most toward the start of this current year now you realize 2020 has gone somewhat sideways and a ton of things didn't go how we thought they were nevertheless I will say cameras particularly in the last like month have been crazy we got the 8k group r5 and the r6 came out the 12k blackmagic camera was uncovered and the sony a7s3 just took the world by a tempest and by the manner in which nearly that whole tesla model y auto center video was shot around a7 s3 so on the off chance that you need to see that recording that is there so now this intriguing minimal red camera it's the most presumably the most specialty i'm certain 99 of individuals watching this presumably have no goal of getting a red komodo however for me for a ton of video maker companions like me this is possibly the most energizing of those cameras since its latent capacity is through the rooftop so alright let me simply start with this what is red komodo it's red's scaled down cine smaller than normal cine camera it's their smaller than expected cine camera the entire thing is basically a two pound four inch by four inch 3D square it has a 6k too 35 sensor a standard rf mount it has a little developed in touchscreen at the top it has auto center and it shoots to cfast cards and it'll cost directly around 6,000 dollars yet the most significant certainty is it's not out yet this camera isn't done at this point it's essentially in beta so matter of truth each komodo you've seen out in the wild has been some custom shading whether it's blue yellow or even the one they're beginning to make a greater amount of now the white stormtrooper one which I think looks wiped out or this truly sweet looking matte dark everything mkbhd version red komodo thanks red now I despite everything paid for it I despite everything followed through on full cost for it yet you know thanks red for the little logo custom etching and the guide like everything contact that is pleasant it's beautiful on brand great look uh so I think we'll begin here with everything that makes the komodo simply like other red cameras and afterward we'll get into everything that is not quite the same as other red cameras and conceivably better so the territories where this camera is generally like other red cameras are the absolute most significant which are the picture the kinds of documents you will be working with and simply the general look that you can escape this camera it is a littler sensor and from that i've seen the picture is somewhat more uproarious yet all in all komodo film will look and believe and grade and work like monstro and helium film in reality I was going to hold up till the finish of the video to state this yet to make sure you realize this whole video is being shot on komodo I have I have two so the komodo is shooting this the komodo i'm working with and you can check whether you can differentiate I don't have the foggiest idea whether you will I think when it experiences youtube and hits your screen it'll be somewhat harder to differentiate yet it should in any case look truly great so this entire video is komodo test film yet no doubt on the upside you're despite everything getting 6k r3d crude documents or 4k prores on the off chance that you need it you're hearing the in my point of view magnificent red shading science you're getting that powerful 15 stops of dynamic range which is a couple of a larger number of stops than even the r5 and the a7s of the world and it places it considerably more in the realm of other film cameras you're getting worldwide screen there is no in-self-perception adjustment yet not having moving screen again puts it up with film cameras rather than mirrorless cameras and you additionally get a portion of the other unusual little eccentricities drawbacks of red cameras excessively one of the enormous ones is you don't get moderate movement at full edge whenever you need to change goal it crops into the sensor and you maximize 6k full edge at like 40 fps so on the off chance that you need to shoot 60 or 120 you're going to be edited in that is something every red camera do yet starting there on it's altogether different from other red cameras and it's substantially more of a half and half feels like between the red cameras that I know about and the mirrorless cameras in that entire world that you folks likely all think about and that is somewhat ablaze right now above all else it has the ordinance rf mount so a similar mount as the eos r and the eos r5 that entire family which is truly fascinating and i'll get more back to that in a subsequent it likewise has double battery openings on the back for off-the-rack standard bp arrangement batteries i've been shooting with these bp 975s which you could without much of a stretch go with the littler 955s when I get my hands on them yet simply these two batteries without anyone else you can go for well more than three hours and since there are two in fact they're hot swappable so it runs down each battery in turn and when one of them gets sort of low I can supplant it and it begins on the other that part is sweet and afterward it shoots to cfast 2.0 cards like I referenced before all else so no exclusive ssds no smaller than normal mags just cfast cards that you can pay off the rack in b h some place I despite everything wish there were double card spaces like there are double batteries yet there's just one here and that is somewhat of a bummer I truly like when we see double card spaces in the mirrorless world so how does that mean really utilizing the camera well a ton of the greatest principal things decipher completely simply having a littler lighter camera that you can toss toward the edge of a vehicle or in simply littler spaces or even on a gimbal I would never fly a monstro camera on a ronin-s for instance this you could it's just two pounds so that has been wonderful yet the genuine encounter and execution of utilizing this camera for me so far has been a truly hodgepodge and that is on the grounds that this camera is in beta like the product is in beta and simply the entire camera is in beta so rf focal point support is in reality still a work in progress for this focal point so at the present time on the off chance that you put a rf focal point on the camera it doesn't convey any information electronically yet and really remembered for the crate when I unpack the komodo live you may have seen on instagram you will discover a rf to ef connector so you can adjust an entire standard ef mount assortment to really speak with this camera through the connector the menus are truly fundamental and I think they'll for the most part remain thusly yet they have space to improve the extent that responsiveness goes again to feel nearer to that mirrorless world and right now there isn't a ton of authoritatively upheld adornments yet like these one terabyte cf cards I have that i'm shooting to each time I boot the camera it gives me an admonition about how they're not official media and how I ought to be extremely cautious and afterward self-adjust self-adjust is perhaps the greatest marker in general the condition of this camera so red cameras previously and numerous film cameras for the most part don't have self-adjust or such a self-adjust framework you would depend on yet with komodo plan on it yet it's in beta and from my experience that just truly implies it's a simple basic apparently differentiate based auto center framework there's no eye following there's no subject following or anything extravagant like that it's primarily simply tap on the screen and expectation it centers thus so far it's worked tolerably well contingent upon the focal point you're utilizing so you can contact something on the screen to center and it should move and kind of rack center generally rapidly yet depending around what focal point that can include a decent measure of chasing or missing concentration or non-reaction which would obviously be inadmissible in the mirrorless world from like a r5 and furthermore like I referenced doesn't work at all with rf focal points there's no electronic correspondence so's everything occurring through a connector so I surmise primary concern is' it's not as solid on principle shoots as I would need it to be in the event that I needed a self-adjust camera which is somewhat of an extraordinary joke since we're thinking about shooting perhaps our next auto center vehicle scene video with komodo yet again for those recordings we depend on self-adjust so it's sort of a shot in the dark possibly say something in the remarks on the off chance that you figure we should attempt it yet think about this think about a future where you can utilize any group rf focal point any standard focal point even with a connector and the local self-adjust just works and it's stunning the thing about those staggeringly propelled eye following and every one of those self-adjust frameworks with sony and group and every other person is they didn't occur incidentally those set aside a long effort to create and take a shot at and show signs of improvement at and red's never truly needed to do that so we'll perceive how long it takes them and whether they can make a decent self-adjust framework yet envision that future and that is extremely sort of a major point for this camera all in all envision a future where there's an entire biological system of serious outsider embellishments rather than simply the hyper-costly first-party red stuff that has been an obstruction to section for such a significant number of individuals for such a long time where i've always truly been unable to suggest a red camera for anybody in spite of the amount I love them since you don't simply get a red camera you likewise need to get the red ssds you need to get the red screens you need to get the red modules and all that cost includes after some time yet with a camera like this on the off chance that it's out for more and begins to get foothold well, at that point you begin to see the wooden cameras and the little hd's and the enclosures and every one of these things begin to be more mainstream even the batteries and the media so for individuals who do like the vibe of a red camera and the picture quality yet haven't generally had the option to get into the world perhaps over raven perhaps komodo possibly this is new passage point I have an inclination that i'm by and by an advocate of better picture quality as a rule people love saying I center around the cameras a lot in like cell phone surveys yet I can't resist I need individuals to have the option to record and cause the best stuff and the better modest cameras to get and the less expensive great cameras get the more joyful we would all be able to be and all that isn't even to make reference to the effectively truly noteworthy distant application control with almost no idleness on account of th

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