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Hello guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and we give you a subscription to come back you can see my different background that because I am in Dallas right now something in today's video I will be showing you guys how to pack - One long trip suitcase to watch this video I will be in Europe and I deserve carry a suitcase for the first reason why I did it because I was so lucky to travel but I have not lost my suitcase many times and I can not understand that.

I lost my suitcase traveling internationally so a carry suitcase is the safest way to travel number two now I travel in Europe with my sister and your son-in-law this is on my travel blog TV link below and the van is so small that my sister needed you needed to pack light for those two reasons I will show you that you can pack and how to carry a suitcase for a long trip that I would love I will be in Europe for about

12 days and I will show you guys everything I pack all my bag my tips and tricks on how to do it if you guys are looking for travel tips hacks how to pack everything I work with two other great travel videos which you can refer to and will be linked below to you guys so let's get into this video and I hope you guys like [Music] when you start walking around my suitcase and back bag this is my North Face seat and I love this death item, my ride bag or death bag when I travel I have brought this with me to so many countries the place we really recommend

that I will have a link down below so I will just show you as soon as possible what I am packing in my carry bag and everything I need so let's get started go to my backpack I carry my Apple watch charger my iPhone is a well-designed charger to cut it with a clip so this is the front of the front bag I h ave my passport and bought this little passport holder from Amazon I believe I actually got this on my birthday so So I think my brother got me this from my first day on Amazon and this is good because there is a little waste of money you can save more for your pass passport and other extra tickets you might have so this really helps to get this on Amazon elsewhere side I have my iPhone talking about mine I need peace that the other thing I have is my vlog camera so you guys will see that I carry a

lot of camera equipment because I am a youtuber guy so I come with my canon g7x in this little bag b on this side i have a usable bottle this from swell in mini mini version I like these recommendations that you carry one of these if you are going to fit inside this bag these are important when i travel so this from carrying this has small pockets when I carry a lot of st uff in the first one I have headphones I have three different headphones I actually have my own wireless headphones and I like to use soundproofing and editing when they die then I have one that I can connect to my computer. North Cancel and then I have the official apple heads and I have my own dongle that allowed me to use these headphones with my 7 iPhone.

if I want, and then have my own splitter that looks like it allows me to play music on my headphones and dial my phone at the same time Many headphone chambers have thanked Apple for fully encrypting what is this bag in this other bag I have in this bag I have my morphe outer bed charger for my new canon g7x battery Canon 5d and I have a charger but the charger is currently in the outlet right now I have- my macbook charger in this red bag i carry my toothbrush and my 3d white toothbrush so i always have a toothbrush or gu

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