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What we can learn from New Zealand Fashion Week

hello tomorrow morning we are in Auckland New Zealand this is a really good day yes we are about to start a famous road trip all over North Island all the way to South Island but first we think we will hit this trip off with a bang and get plenty of food today for those of you who may not know New New Zealand is made up of two different islands in the North Island and the South Island and another 600 smaller islands in Auckland, the most populous city on the North Island island where we hear about all the famous New Zealand food and food containers. there are powerful Polynesian people out there that are very interesting and quirky dishes here for us to try so that we can not only look high but we are very happy to give it a try with all we can oh yes I think this will end up being a big part of the food series because there are so many dishes to try we will be here for a while i think it is three weeks in New Zealand so we will try a few today to please you guys and then we will keep trying things are on track ok let's talk and let the food adventure start [Music] first steps to the quiet cafe just we found something that I think is important not really dishes but things to get when you get to New Zealand which is lamb y'all there are so many sheep in this country I think I was studying in one place there were 20 sheep per person now when the number of people increasing the number of sheep decreases I read the same and six days in each sheep's recording there are thirty million land in the country the lamb has arrived and it looks very good you guys i am very happy to try this so you can see it looks very sugary and very soft cooked a little put on top of barley some pine nuts and sit on top of some soup and a little oil you can't see there and it looks very good and then some garnish on top you can see a little fat when the meat is sweet and tender you don't even need a knife I'll just try the meat cut so maybe with a little the sauce in it to check if it bites that the lamb is good and sweet and full of flavor with a creamy texture because it is just a little fat just kind of melts in your mouth I got a little maybe mint eNOS from the sauce is a good next step mixing everything together perfect player is completely magical when you mix it all together The sauce is good and salty and oily then you get a bit of crunch from the bar adding to the good texture in it there is not much flavor in it but its texture is good because it is very different lamb good and creamy and smooth so the difference between a lamb and a little lamb if you don't know that a lamb is just a lamb in i For the first year so small I decided to let the house try some but until it was worth the wait it might be the most important thing I've ever had in my life. very sweet with a lot of sugar i came back from New Zealand for this so the lamb was a little expensive but we just said we should try it we know it will be very good and it was but we also got a small sandwich to separate this just a pastrami sandwich so it is nice and fried on top then there is what I think a bunch of sauerkraut there but oh yeah it's going to be really fun but I think we've done enough to say that this is kind of lunch for us so we're really starving we're going to put this [Music] [Music] this is a sky tower and look there and they have a certain cable that was going to come down from above and I say I 'm wondering if people are circling from the top of this clever .
today we hunt for the best food in our country Auckland, New Zealand is home to more than 200 thousand communities, food from all over the world makes our food culture happy and diverse, this is our 4th video from New Zealand and we are in Auckland beware of the outbreak Indian delicacies, spicy Szechuan noodles and authentic Māori food in this four-part series we travel all over New Zealand to show you the best food from our country from the impressive Kiwi ratings. The food and a ton of delicious Aotearoa you don’t want to miss out on this series have prepared some delicious food I am Thomas and I am Sheena and we are chasing a plate, hope you are hungry let’s eat! Auckland is a very diverse city so we were born and raised here and it's really nice to be home a bit to click something and show you some of our favorite things to grow here with all kinds of food on the menu so there are over two hundred, two hundred nations living in Auckland because There are a lot of people migrating and migrating here over the years so we want to show you some of the best food today some of the things we like to eat when we return home to New Zealand, let's go to Auckland a beautiful city with zigzag exploding everywhere, surrounded by ports so we went down to the harbor for our first meal and hāngi which is a traditional food cooked by the indigenous people of New Zealand Māori and this is actually very difficult to find in a restaurant it is very rare to be able to go somewhere and buy hāngi so k e We were, we were really impressed when you saw this place The Māori kitchen was open here here at the hāngi service we will tell you more about how they cook which is a good way to immerse but let's order more to first check out this large hāngi number so we recommend it works with a full view of it So we have pork here there are mesclun, some salad leaves on top of a few potatoes here kumara which is a sweet potato and we get a pumpkin now look this is starting to get cold soon I'll just go in first and talk later oh under the pork there is an insert, I found some pork and pumpkin in this with a mouth hmm a simple but healthy taste so the pumpkin is really sweet and sweet, that the stuffing got a ton of herbs inside so a lot of thyme I can taste and the pig has a lot of sugar and actually just splits up and doesn't burn at all now the group at The Māori Kitchen is really determined to cook hāngi culture the way so what they are doing o Are they taking these stones, stones that have been in the family for generations burning those stones with Manuka wood and food being placed on top of hot stones for cooking and earth mixed on top of food so it is really soft and you cook in this underground oven for about seven hours the results are amazing the meat is really smoky and the taste looks really clean and it seems there is a whole lot of cabbage out there so we have cabbage and stuff but The reason we are this hangi is so there are some hangi shops around i Auckland is not a small one and most of them now cook their hangi at the top of the stainless steel upper gas propeller but these people do it well underground so the process Sheena is talking about is what they use to it is very difficult to find a traditional hangi at a restaurant like this so this special is really good because we eat what is right here in the boat line behind us here there are no hangi pits so we couldn't show you the process that hangi is cooked but that was a good start for this Video now we will just go talk and we will go
thing no no no I don't want to try it but yes I do

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