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I know it's a little late but I'm looking forward to a better new year but I'm happy for the new decade and found out what a better way to celebrate than the video looked right so today we're going back in time and looking fashion 10 years ago many ways come and go within each windows. 10 so it's very hard to cut it down to one dress code and you think I CANNOT be a fashion historian I want you guys to put up with me here because.

I definitely just sliver what I actually wore and use it in my closet but as history often repeats itself I thought it would be fun to look at closed styles the style of what you are wearing right now It's hard to believe that the Roaring Twenties were a hundred years ago now but it has actually stood the test of being one of the most popular moments very fashionable people.

who like to take us talk from today this is no doubt in large parts Anks in flapper style that has emerged in the middle of this decade and is something people keep coming back to I think because it was such a change from what we saw decades and decades before this is often said as a time when people new freedom which is why it was trying a bit to raise the hemlines maybe not as high as people might and also with a lot of emphasis on make-up especially with bending and insertion but it may.

not be as attractive as it was delivered to believe but I still take a small amount over the years. that it is because of the success of films like Great Gatsby that they kind of help us paint this dreamy picture ho so much in our heads that we may not really be all that I do not know it's just me but I do not really see or hear much about the 1930s fashion so I had to dig a little deeper and this is not perfect I would like to have a shotgun because that's one thing I think thirty is known.

I took a few other things important sense of humor and splendor really happens in the thirties or just your normal everyday people start to look at what the Super on the silver screen were wearing so the best side of things was a lot of evening stuff in silk linen usually a few added as ruffles this little bone I have and at first I wanted to dress like -stall first and yet I actually just got a confirmation of posting on what today unfortunately is not included but think of something a little .

more comfortable this look we just definitely saw a change in women’s clothing in the 40s because it was obviously when women started working when men were out of the war and I actually wanted to take that with the Toda Dress and it became one of my favorites so I’m really happy with how this happens I think this adds a good picture completely and Christian Dior actually played a big role in this by revealing his new look which was a lot of pointed belts and after scratching a few pictures since then I have seen them often adorn themselves with such a small floral jacket.

which why I did it today and by finishing it with my beret was on the side I don't know how to wear it. that this is deceptive to me the first thing that comes to mind in the 50s is that the sales moms of the best-selling image shown years ago say overall silhouette very much like 40s but add some feminine things i can say with colors and patterns and other accessories with pearls my favorite gingham yellow dress is actually vintage from the 50s but i felt like.

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